Wiki League of Legends

Damage modifiers refer to the buffs or debuffs to a unit that causes it to deal or receive increased or decreased damage. These are percentage values. They don't add extra flat damage but modify all damage normally done. These buffs or debuffs are only received by champion abilities, neutral buffs, on-hit effects from items and masteries.

Damage dealt modifier[]

These are buffs that allow the champion that has them to deal increased or decreased magic or physical damage from autoattacks, abilities, item's actives and Ignite Ignite. The raw value from the attack or ability is increased or decreased by the modifier and then applied to the target.

All damage dealt modifiers stack multiplicatively. Since multiplication is Tecla - W, the order is irrelevant. So if Talon Talon uses an autoattack on a CC'd champion just after using a maxed Cutthroat Cutthroat on it, while affected by Zaun-Touched Bolt Augmenter Zaun-Touched Bolt Augmenter de Urgot Urgot, his autoattack's damage will be modified by 107.525% (110% × 115% × 85%).

Champion abilities[]

Note: Only the damage modifier effect of these abilities is shown here, to read more information on each of these abilities, follow the link on each of them.

  • Hextech Shrapnel Shells Hextech Shrapnel Shells de Corki Corki grants his basic attacks additional 10% true damage.
  • Certain Death Certain Death de Pantheon Pantheon grants Spear Shot Spear Shot 50% additional damage to targets below 15% health.
  • Diplomatic Immunity Diplomatic Immunity de Poppy Poppy allows her to focus intensely on one single target for 6 / 7 / 8 seconds to deal 20% / 30% / 40% increasing her damage to it from all sources.
  • Wind Slash Wind Slash de Riven Riven deals 2.66% increased damage for each 1% health the targets are missing (maximizing at ~200% increased damage when targets are at 25% health or less).
  • Backstab Backstab de Shaco Shaco allows him to deal 20% increased damage when striking a unit from behind with his autoattacks or abilities.
  • Hymn of Valor Hymn of Valor de Sona Sona grants her Power Chord Power Chord 100% additional damage.
  • Torment Torment de Swain Swain afflicts his target, dealing damage to them over time and causing Swain to deal 8% / 11% / 14% / 17% / 20% increased damage to it for 4 seconds from all damage sources.
  • Dark Sphere Dark Sphere de Syndra Syndra deals 15% increase damage against champions when at maximum rank.
  • Cutthroat Cutthroat de Talon Talon allows him to blink to his target and deal 3% / 6% / 9% / 12% / 15% increased damage to it for the next 3 seconds.
  • Mercy Mercy de Talon Talon allows his autoattacks to deal 10% increased damage if his target is slowed, stunned, immobilized or suppressed.
  • Tumble Tumble de Vayne Vayne grants her next attack 10% / 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% increased damage.
  • Frenzy Frenzy de Volibear Volibear deals 1% increased damage for each 1% health the target is missing.
  • Unholy Covenant Unholy Covenant de Yorick Yorick grants him 5% increased basic attack damage for each ghoul currently summoned.
  • Spinning Axe Spinning Axe de Draven Draven grants his next attack 30% / 45% / 60% / 75% / 80% bonus damage.


Decreasing damage dealt[]

Champion abilities[]

Note: Only the damage modifier effect of these abilities is shown here, to read more information on each of these abilities, follow the link on each of them.

Summoner Spell[]

  • Exhaust Exhaust reduces damage dealt by 50% for 2.5 seconds.

Damage received modifier[]

These are buffs or debuffs that allow the champion that have them to receive increased or decreased magic or physical damage from autoattacks, abilities, item's actives and Ignite Ignite. The final value from the attack or ability is increased or decreased by the modifier and then directly applied to the target's health.

Armor and magic resistance damage reduction percentage count as one source of damage received modifier against physical and magical damage respectively. For example, a champion with 300 armor has 75% damage reduction from physical damage.

Damage reduction from armor and magic resistance and from any other sources stack multiplicatively.

Increasing damage received[]

Note: Only the damage modifier effect of these abilities is shown here, to read more information on each of these abilities, follow the link on each of them.

Champion abilities[]

  • Hemoplague Hemoplague de Vladimir Vladimir affects all targets hit to receive 12% increased damage from all sources for the next 5 seconds.


  • Deathfire Grasp Deathfire Grasp causes the target to recieve a debuff which amplifies all magic damage that champion takes by 20% for 4 seconds.

Decreasing damage received[]

Champion abilities[]

Note: Only the damage modifier effect of these abilities is shown here, to read more information on each of these abilities, follow the link on each of them.

  • Unbreakable Will Unbreakable Will de Alistar Alistar grants him 50% / 60% / 70% damage reduction for 7 seconds.
  • Idol Of Durand Idol Of Durand de Galio Galio grants him 50% damage reduction while channeling for up to 2 seconds.
  • Courage Courage de Garen Garen places a defensive shield on himself, decreasing all damage taken by a 30% for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 seconds.
  • Drunken Rage Drunken Rage de Gragas Gragas takes a long swig from his barrel, disabling his ability to cast or attack for 1 second and then receives 10% / 12% / 14% / 16% / 18% reduced damage for 3 seconds.
  • Void Stone Void Stone de Kassadin Kassadin reduces all magic damage taken by 15%.
  • Shunpo Shunpo de Katarina Katarina to grant her 15% damage reduction for 1.5 seconds after blinking.
  • Evolved Active Camouflage Evolved Active Camouflage de Kha'Zix Kha'Zix takes 50% reduced damage while in stealth.
  • Vengeful Maelstrom Vengeful Maelstrom de Maokai Maokai creates a great vortex of natural energy on a nearby area reducing non-tower damage done to allied champions in the area by 20% until toggled off.
  • Meditate Meditate de Master Yi Master Yi grants him 50/55/60/65/70% damage reduction up to 4 seconds while channeling.
  • Valiant Fighter Valiant Fighter de Poppy Poppy reduces all damage that exceeds 10% of her current health by 50%.
  • Shadow Dash Shadow Dash de Shen Shen reduces all physical damage by 50% from taunted enemies.
  • Unholy Covenant Unholy Covenant de Yorick Yorick grants him 5% damage reduction for each ghoul currently summoned.


  • Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi grants the wearer 10% physical damage reduction from basic attacks.
  • Odyn's Veil Odyn's Veil grants the wearer 10% reduced magic damage.


Damage immunity[]

There are some instances in the game where a champion is immune to receiving any kind of damage (including true damage) for a few seconds.


  • Intervention Intervention de Kayle Kayle grants the target ally champion damage immunity for 2 / 2.5 / 3 seconds.
  • Diplomatic Immunity Diplomatic Immunity de Poppy Poppy grants her complete immunity from all sources except from her target for 6 / 7 / 8 seconds.


  • Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass grants the user damage immunity for 2 seconds.

Flat Damage Reduction[]

Several champions have abilities that reduce damage by a flat amount. Flat damage reduction is factored in after armor or magic resistance(verify? Sion's page disagrees). This makes it significantly better the more resistances you have. In addition, periodic damage effects will have each tick of damage reduced. For example, Malefic Visions Malefic Visions de Malzahar Malzahar ticks 8 times, so 1 flat damage reduction would reduce its total damage by 8.

Flat damage reduction does not work against true damage.


  • Tantrum Tantrum de Amumu Amumu provides 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 physical flat damage reduction.
  • Nimble Fighter Nimble Fighter de Fizz Fizz provides Error: Parameter '3' is not accepted. flat damage reduction against auto-attacks.
  • Feel No Pain Feel No Pain de Sion Sion provides a 40% chance to ignore Error: Parameter '3' is not accepted. flat damage against auto-attacks.


  • Doran's Shield Doran's Shield blocks 8 damage from champion basic attacks.
  • Hunter's Machete Hunter's Machete provides 5 flat damage reduction against monsters.

