Wiki League of Legends
To edit the values depicted on this page, visit: Módulo:ChampionData/data.

This page documents the various independently retrievable data items about Jayce. This article is a relic of the previous system we employed that utilized data templates to perform the same function, but it remains as a hub for Ability data templates that exist as subpages of this page. All champion data pages can be found: Category:Champion data templates.

Champion pages[]

{{{Texto del tooltip}}}


1 Jayce Necessary: Used for identification
id 126 Riot's unique champion id in their API
apiname Jayce Riot's unique champion name in their API
title el Defensor del Mañana Champion title
resource Maná Content of secondary bar, usually a primary resource for abilities, but not vice versa. Also not a champion's resource, which refers to any resource (secondary, etc.). E.g. Mordekaiser has "shield" in resource bar, but his primary resource is "health".
fullname Jayce Giopara Lore character's full given name. This is used in the champion roster's search feature
nickname Other given names. This is used in the champion roster's search feature
date 2012-07-07 Release date
patch V1.0.0.142 Release patch
changes V11.18 Last patch the champion was changed
role Artillería Champion roles as a comma list
damage 3 Damage rating
toughness 0 Toughness rating
control 1 Control rating
mobility 2 Mobility rating
utility 2 Utility rating
difficulty 2 Difficulty rating
style 45 Style rating
adaptivetype Físico Adaptive Force type (default: Physical)
rangetype cuerpo a cuerpo Basic attack classification
be 4800 Esencia Azul Esencia Azul cost
rp 880 de RP Riot Points cost
skill_i Condensador Hextech Innate ability
skill_q ¡Hacia los Cielos!,Descarga Eléctrica Q ability
skill_w Campo Electrificado,Hipercarga W ability
skill_e Golpe Relámpago,Portal de Aceleración E ability
skill_r Transformar Cañón de Mercurio,Transformar Martillo de Mercurio R ability
hp_base 560 Base health
hp_lvl 90 Growth coefficient for health
hp5_base 6 Base health regeneration
hp5_lvl 0.6 Growth coefficient for health regeneration
mp_base 375 Base resource
mp_lvl 45 Growth coefficient for resource
mp5_base 6 Base resource regeneration
mp5_lvl 0.8 Growth coefficient for resource regeneration
arm_base 27 Base armor
arm_lvl 3.5 Growth coefficient for armor
mr_base 30 Magic resistance
mr_lvl 0.5 Growth coefficient for magic resistance
dam_base 54 Base attack damage
dam_lvl 4.25 Growth coefficient for attack damage
as_base 0.658 Base attack speed
as_ratio 0.65799999237061 Modifier for bonus attack speed
as_lvl 3 Growth coefficient for bonus attack speed
range 125 Base attack range
range_lvl Attack range per level
ms 335 Base movement speed
ms_lvl Movement speed per level
crit_base 175 Base critical strike damage (defaults to 200)
crit_mod Critical strike damage modifier
missile_speed Missile speed for projectile-based basic attacks
attack_cast_time Parameter used to calculated basic attack windup percentage
attack_total_time Parameter used to calculated basic attack windup percentage
attack_delay_offset -0.20499999821186 Parameter used to calculated basic attack windup percentage
windup 0.09500000178814 This stat isn't in the data but is calculated using attack_cast_time, attack_total_time and attack_delay_offset.
windup_modifier 0.0049999998882413 Modifier to windup growth
acquisition_radius 200 Auto-aggro radius for basic attacks
selection_radius 75 Click-box radius
gameplay_radius 65 Champion's hitbox size
pathing_radius 35 Champion's hitbox size for pathfinding
Special Stats
aram_dmg_dealt 1 Damage dealt modifier on ARAM
aram_dmg_taken 1 Damage received modifier on ARAM
aram_healing 1 Incoming/outgoing healing modifier on ARAM
aram_shielding 1 Incoming/outgoing shield modifier on ARAM
urf_dmg_dealt 1 Damage dealt modifier on URF
urf_dmg_taken 1 Damage received modifier on URF
urf_healing 1 Incoming/outgoing healing modifier on URF
urf_shielding 1 Incoming/outgoing shield modifier on URF
attack 8 Attack rating from previous client
defense 4 Defense rating from the previous client
magic 3 Ability-damage rating from the previous client
herotype Luchador Primary class (replaced by role)
alttype Tirador Secondary class (replaced by role)

Throughout the family of templates, fixed names are used for the parameters. (The parameter names are kept short to reduce counts for the post expand include size and the template argument size in cases where these are applicable.) However, not necessarily all parameters have been given a value: some parameters may not be applicable, while for some other parameters the value may just have not been specified yet. The table shows all parameters, and for each the value, if specified.

Retrieval of data items[]

To retrieve items from this template, use the following command:


For example, Bard's Bard's base AD is 52.

For variables whose output is a table (e.g. 'role), use the following command:


Currently accepted format-outputs are csv for a comma-list or tip for a tip-list.

For example, Senna's Senna's roles are Tirador,Encantador.

  1. REDIRECCIÓN Plantilla:Listarefes:Plantilla:Data Jayce

Until here the documentation is automatically generated by Template:Champion data.
